The film to the exhibition:
Hans Haacke. Retrospective



1 min reading time

Hans Haacke

A legend of institutional critique, an advocate of democracy, and an artist’s artist: The film accompanying the major retrospective at the SCHIRN provides an overview of Hans Haackes’s groundbreaking work.

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Hans Haacke is a visionary in his artistic work: ecology, insti­tu­tional critique, democ­racy. The major themes of his art are urgent and still rele­vant today. The SCHIRN presents iconic early works from the 1960s, impor­tant real-time systems, works that demand the partic­i­pa­tion of the public, as well as expan­sive (histor­ical) polit­ical instal­la­tions.

The film accom­pa­nying the exhi­bi­tion provides an overview of his multi­fac­eted oeuvre, presents key works and illus­trates how Haacke became one of the world’s most impor­tant and influ­en­tial polit­ical artists for subse­quent gener­a­tions.