Telling Black Histories.
With Edna Bonhomme



2 min reading time

Jena Samura
Sharonda Quainoo
Kara Walker

How does colonial trauma manifest itself today? Jena Samura and Edna Bonhomme talk about the exploitation of Black people and the aftermath of German colonialism.

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In the second episode of “Telling Black Histories”, we explore the after­math of the transat­lantic slave trade and the (sexual) exploita­tion of Black people during colo­nialism with histo­rian Edna Bonhomme. Edna deals with the topics of trauma and memory in a variety of ways. How does colo­nial trauma mani­fest itself today? What artistic-creative and activist ways does Edna Bonhomme deal with the psycho­log­ical conse­quences of colo­niza­tion and enslave­ment?

Telling Black Histories

In the podcast series “Telling Black Histories” on the current exhi­bi­tion “Kara Walker. A Black Hole is everything a Star longs to be”, Jena Samura talks with experts including Edna Bonhomme and Josephine Apraku about Euro­pean art history and Black art, colo­nial gender construc­tions, and how to crit­i­cally reflect on history.

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