On the occasion of the MAGRITTE exhibition, the SCHIRN invites international Instagrammers to get inspired by Magritte and his surreal worlds. The series continues with the Venezuela-based Photographer Belinda Tellez, who invites on her Instagram account @belilabelle to have a closer look.
What inspires your images?
Seeing Magritte's work is almost impossible to not wonder what he would paint today, if he were alive. Would he use Instagram? Would he be an ecologist? Would he have long conversations with Siri? The underlying curiosity in those (impossible-to-answer) questions, inspired this series of images that beyond speech, are an exercise of imagination, with a questioning accent.
What do you want to tell us with your images?
These three images, inspired by Magritte's work, are an invitation to observe, interpret and release thought; not to arrive at logical and finished conclusions, but to keep reality in its wonderful state of suspicion and ambiguity.
For you, what is so typical about René Magritte's work?
Each one of Magritte's paintings hides a meaning (or several) that cannot be translated using conventional comprehension codes. His work makes us experience a kind of perception in the void, where no meaning is enough. I think that dissatisfaction, that we might even call anguish, is a very contemporary and present-day feeling.