Which artist would you like to have a drink with on a warm summer evening?
Kai Althoff.
And where would you meet him?
On the balcony of the Schwarzwaldklinik.
Which ingredient is essential for your drink?
Küstennebel (a northern German anise liqueur)...

Jens Seidl, guest bartender at Frankfurt’s Seven Svans & The Tiny Cup, is a specialist in forgotten classics and modern craft cocktails. He creates the perfect drink for every meeting. For the encounter with Kai Althoff he created the “Green Mist” with Küstennebel:
50ml good tequila (we recommend Calle 23 for this drink)
30ml Küstennebel (a northern German anise liqueur)
30ml fresh cucumber juice*
20ml fresh lime juice
5cl agave syrup
60ml buttermilk
A pinch of salt
Add all the ingredients to a shaker filled with ice, shake well and strain into a Collins glass filled with fresh ice. Garnish with a thin, rolled-up strip of cucumber.
*For the cucumber juice, wash half a cucumber and cut into thick wheels. Place in a blender along with two ice cubes and blend for about one minute (it’s best to crush the ice in the blender first). Strain through a fine strainer. Yields about 120ml. You can also run the cucumber through a juicer, but the resulting green color is typically not as intense.
The pale green hue of this drink was inspired by some of Kai Althoff’s paintings. Sweet anise, grassy agave, fresh cucumber, and buttermilk come together for a fresh summery drink that still delivers a bit of a punch. If you are one of those “I once had a bad experience with tequila” people, you should definitely give this one a chance to finally get over your trauma.