In her current exhibition “ELIZABETH PRICE. SOUND OF THE BREAK”, Turner Prize winner Elizabeth Price explores the consequences of digitalization on the world of work. Her videos question conventional systems of order and evaluation. They endow things with a certain kind of intelligence or agency, pose questions about power and gender and focus on the shared space of technology and culture. In the film to the exhibition, the artist talks about her way of thinking and working as well as central works in the exhibition - including "A RESTORATION", "FELT TIP" and "NIGHT OF THE WORLD". She also discusses how she uses sound in her work and how PowerPoint has become one of her most important tools.
The film to the exhibition: Elizabeth Price
1 min reading time
What themes drive Elizabeth Price in her artistic work? And why has PowerPoint become one of her most important working tools? In the film to the exhibition, the artist provides insights into her exhibition and reveals more about her way of thinking and working.