Critical land.
Indigenous art and identity
30 min reading time
In our new podcast series with Indigenous perspectives on art, nature, decolonisation and climate change, we talk with Algonquin-French artist Caroline Monnet.
Sylvia Cunningham: Welcome to “Critical land”. I’m your host, Sylvia Cunningham. This is the second episode of an English-language podcast from the Schirn Kunsthalle FrankÂfurt debuting alongÂside its latest exhiÂbiÂtion, “Magnetic North: ImagÂining Canada in Painting 1910-1940.” In this podcast series, we’re drawing from some of the themes in “Magnetic North” to go beyond what is displayed on the gallery walls through converÂsaÂtions with IndigeÂnous artists and scholars. The exhiÂbiÂtion examÂines modern CanaÂdian landÂscape painting from a contemÂpoÂrary standÂpoint. It also features the film, “How a People Live,” from AnishiÂnaabe filmÂmaker Lisa Jackson and “MobiÂlize” from AlgoÂnquin-French artist CaroÂline Monnet, whom you’ll be hearing from in today’s episode. Monnet’s immerÂsive video instalÂlaÂtion, “TransatÂlantic,” is also on view in the publicly accesÂsible Rotunda at the Schirn. A quick note — we talked about the Group of Seven in the first episode of “Critical land” with the exhiÂbiÂtion’s curator Martina WeinÂhart and Lakota-ScotÂtish art professor Carmen Robertson, so if you haven’t listened to those interÂviews yet, you can do so here. Now to today’s episode. CaroÂline Monnet is a multiÂdisÂciÂpliÂnary artist based in Montreal. She grew up in both Gatineau, QuĂ©bec and BritÂtany, France. Her mother is AlgoÂnquin, her father is French, and she works with many different mediums, including filmÂmaking, sculpÂture, instalÂlaÂtion and painting.
[Audio from “MobiÂlize”]
What you’re hearing now is sound from Monnet’s short film, “MobiÂlize,” one of her works on view at the Schirn. The film has an incredÂible driving pace, from the music performed by Tanya Tagaq to the actions we see on camera. There’s one man masterÂfully paddling through the water, others are peeling birch bark to make a canoe. We also see scenes in the bustling city, including Mohawk ironÂworkers climbing atop steel girders. I asked CaroÂline Monnet how this film came to be.
Caroline Monnet: In 2015, the National Film Board of Canada approached me to rework mateÂrials from their archives. This was part of their “Souvenir” series, so we were four filmÂmakers across Canada to make a three-minute video with their archives. The only direcÂtion they gave us was to portray IndigeÂnous idenÂtity, which I thought was a very abstract thing because for me there are many IndigeÂnous realÂiÂties. I had access to over 800 films, most of them were made from a white, male perspecÂtive, approaching IndigeÂnous people from an anthroÂpoÂlogÂical standÂpoint where the protagÂoÂnists are always presented as very passive, kind of busy working on their craft and really insisting on remaining at the margins of CanaÂdian society. So, there’s kind of a tension between the origÂinal footage that was created during a time of historÂical chaos and the treatÂment of IndigeÂnous people and between the remix that I did in “MobiÂlize.” Because I used these visuals, these films to kind of summon the mobiÂlizaÂtion of IndigeÂnous people, nationÂwide. For me IndigeÂnous idenÂtity is someÂthing vibrant and dynamic. It’s not someÂthing passive that is shown in these films. I wanted audiÂences to feel enerÂgized seeing IndigeÂnous people showing off their skills on screen. That’s why I was particÂuÂlarly interÂested in images of people walking or building, canoeing, moving forward. For me this really counÂters the inertia too often portrayed in CanaÂdian media.
Sylvia Cunningham: Even the fact that you were invited to do this within the frameÂwork of “IndigeÂnous idenÂtity” — which is this term that’s singular, it’s monoÂlithic — how did you approach it? Did you approach it from your personal backÂground or how could you convey that it’s imposÂsible to boil this down to a monoÂlithic view?Â
Caroline Monnet: You cannot boil it down to a monoÂlithic view because there are multiple realÂiÂties of IndigeÂnous idenÂtity, and there’s so much diverÂsity within the big IndigeÂnous commuÂnity itself across Canada. I knew I didn’t want to go into the nostalgic realm of choosing black and white footage. That’s why I decided to go with 16mm color footage because to bring that kind of consisÂtency from beginÂning to end of the film and where audiÂences would almost feel that I shot it myself. You start looking more at texture and colors and piecing each visual together, almost like a puzzle except you don’t know what the end image will be. You just piece it together and somehow start finding a narraÂtive with all that. In some ways the film also repreÂsents my own family’s history. I didn’t grow up in my mom’s commuÂnity but across generÂaÂtions, it evolves on the land. I think there’s a level of privÂiÂlege that comes with the migraÂtion to the city, accessing jobs and educaÂtion, but with that privÂiÂlege comes a level of assimÂiÂlaÂtion, trauma, and displaceÂment. You start building a new narraÂtive in these cities. I was really intrigued by that and the kind of notion of labor that is very different in the city, than out on the land and doesn’t require the same skill set and knowlÂedge. So, the film was really about that. Overall, “MobiÂlize” is about pointing how IndigeÂnous people were instruÂmental in shaping CanaÂdian society, to the extent of building skyscrapers in our city. It was about saying our presÂence as IndigeÂnous people can no longer be ignored.Â
Sylvia Cunningham: You mentioned you narrowed down the scope to 16mm color footage. How many hours of film was that then that you had access to work with then?Â
Caroline Monnet: I had access to 800 films, but you’d start typing keywords, because you can’t watch them all. The keywords were about “building” and “walking” and “IndigeÂnous people walking,” “IndigeÂnous people running,” “IndigeÂnous people building.” I wanted the idea of being in action and not showÂcase a passive people. We’re not stagÂnant in time, we’re very active and we have a set of skills that are actuÂally very celeÂbrated. We’re part of this vibrant society, and we have our place within it, and I wanted to show that, so you have to work quite instincÂtively with that process, working with archives. I was using Tanya Tagaq’s soundÂtrack, which was instruÂmental in bringing that level of energy in the editing as well. I edited on the soundÂtrack and her music has this tradiÂtional connecÂtion while remaining very contemÂpoÂrary, almost like metal music, which I thought was really interÂesting. Her sound helped to use the archives to speak about the future.
Sylvia Cunningham: So, that came into process relaÂtively early? I was going to ask about that. You knew you were going to be using Tanya Tagaq’s music and craft the footage to it, to build and match that track’s driving pace?Â
Caroline Monnet: Yes, absolutely. I had access to her album and I chose the most upbeat track on the album because from the very beginÂning it was clear to me that I wanted—because it’s only three minutes—to have this expeÂriÂence, create an expeÂriÂence for audiÂences where they would be almost plugged to the computer and be bombarded by images and then their heart would start pounding. They’d be out of breath and they’d be totally enerÂgized by seeing IndigeÂnous people kicking ass on screen. You don’t really underÂstand what just happened to you, but you have this level of energy, and it’s with IndigeÂnous repreÂsenÂtaÂtion on screen. That was the main intenÂtion behind the film.
Sylvia Cunningham: It’s so mesmerÂizing and intriguing watching what everyone’s doing, there is really so much going on. In contrast, your other work at the Schirn, in the publicly accesÂsible Rotunda, the video instalÂlaÂtion “TransatÂlantic,” is really devoid of human presÂence. For that work, which we’re hearing a little bit of the audio from now, you embarked on a cargo ship from a port in Europe and then travÂeled to where you live now, to Montreal. Can you describe what that journey was like for you?
Caroline Monnet: Well “TransatÂlantic” is a trip I took in 2012 on a cargo ship from the Dutch port of IJmuiden, just west of Amsterdam, all the way to Montreal, the Great Lakes in North America. It took me 22 days to cross the Atlantic Ocean. The whole journey was docuÂmented through a mini-DV handÂheld camera. The video carries different states of emotion that I felt at sea, like heavy tension, nervousÂness, boredom and even someÂtimes a bit of fear, when we hit storms, but also because I was in a male-domiÂnated enviÂronÂment of shipÂping and industry. There were moments where I did ask myself, why I thought about doing this trip in the first place. The initial idea behind it is that for me, the transatÂlantic ocean was a middle ground for both my ancesÂtors to meet. It was kind of a symbolic place. This idea of borders, whether they’re physÂical or metaphorÂical, has always been very present in my works, so it’s a continÂuÂaÂtion of that idea. I grew up between two contiÂnents, two cultures, so I’ve been fasciÂnated with this idea of duality and how politÂical and social histoÂries shape your idenÂtity. We always say that idenÂtity is intrinsic to terriÂtory, but what does it mean when you come from two distincÂtive terriÂtoÂries, how does that shape your idenÂtity? That was the kind of seed behind the project. I filmed it in 2012, but it took me a good six years to finish it. I finished it in 2018 and I’m glad it actuÂally matured a little bit because then the project started looking into the Atlantic Ocean as an ongoing coloÂnial moveÂment and economic exchange between Europe and North America, and how coloÂnizaÂtion is a historÂical event defined by the transatÂlantic slave trade and the genoÂcide of IndigeÂnous people. So, it became a much more engaging piece rather than only a personal piece.
Sylvia Cunningham: What do you think it was in those six interÂvening years that allowed that framing and narraÂtive to develop in your head? Was it a matter of research or other projects that influÂenced your reflecÂtions on it?
Caroline Monnet: I took the trip and then the tapes were sitting on the shelf for a long time, I just didn’t know what to do. I didn’t have a clear idea of what to do with it. I knew I did not want it to just be a docuÂmenÂtary piece, that’s why I removed all the men at work. It’s very abstract, it becomes almost like a vessel travÂeling across a great divide. It’s more of an expeÂriÂence rather than a docuÂment. It was very imporÂtant for me to create an immerÂsive expeÂriÂence with it, and it took me this long, I’m not sure why. “MobiÂlize” was done in only one month, from start to finish, from concept to delivery of the product, and “TransatÂlantic” took me six years. I think I needed some level of matuÂrity as an artist and as a thinker to enviÂsion some kind of instalÂlaÂtion rather than just a docuÂment that would play at film festiÂvals.Â
Sylvia Cunningham: What we see at the beginÂning of the film is this more indusÂtrial scene with smokeÂstacks and then and at the end of this whole voyage, we see a cityscape at night, with lots of buildÂings of course. I felt that those images are very anchoring because I know exactly where I am. But it’s the between where it’s just open waters, where you feel totally sucked in, where you feel like you can get lost. I’m wondering if that echoes a bit what it was like for you during your three-week journey. You were quite isolated, right? What was it like being out on the open waters where, like you said, it was just interÂacÂtion with the crew, there was no connecÂtion to the outside world at all during those 22 days?
Caroline Monnet: No, which was an interÂesting concept. It’s true, you have no connecÂtion to phone or internet, you’re really out at sea for 22 days and it’s kind of a pocket of time… you can’t go anywhere, this is where you are. Very interÂesting expeÂriÂence, all your referÂences points, they all disapÂpear because there are no markers on the horizon, it’s always the same. You start getting into a different state of mind which is a very intriguing place to be.
Sylvia Cunningham: SomeÂthing that my mom says, which I’m not totally sure I agree with, is that the best part of a trip is the part before, the planÂning stage, looking forward to everyÂthing, the anticÂiÂpaÂtion of the trip. And the afterÂwards, the memoÂries of it and kind of reliving it. What were your emotions upon arriving home to Montreal? The first night you were back on your bed, were you relieved or was a part of you already romanÂtiÂcizing being back on the open waters. How did your return feel?
Caroline Monnet: I think there was a level of romanÂtiÂcizing the idea of crossing the Atlantic Ocean, it’s the mythoÂlogÂical route of my father coming to France, migrating to Canada, and so many other people, so many other generÂaÂtions and settlers’ expeÂriÂences. But yes, I was ecstatic when I arrived in Montreal to finally step foot on land, because it’s a long trip, you long for the people, for the connecÂtion to the people you love. It was an interÂesting journey, but I’m not sure I agree with your mom on that one. There’s someÂthing about going from point A to point B, the journey is what is fasciÂnating how you grow as a person, and the idea of crossing a line or someÂthing. The journey itself is interÂesting.
Sylvia Cunningham: Both of your works are being shown at the Schirn at the same time the Group of Seven’s work is being displayed there, for the first time in Germany actuÂally. How have you reflected on that context, espeÂcially knowing for visiÂtors that they’ll be presented with these different dimenÂsions of art origÂiÂnating from people in Canada.Â
Caroline Monnet: Well defiÂnitely growing up in Canada, the Group of Seven is kind of the first referÂence you have of painting and CanaÂdian art in general. Every child in Canada has grown up on it. You know all the great painters like Rembrandt, Picasso, but you also know the Group of Seven, so we come to underÂstand Canada through those paintÂings. You espeÂcially come to underÂstand the repreÂsenÂtaÂtion of CanaÂdian landÂscape through those paintÂings. But I guess my interÂpreÂtaÂtion of it is that these paintÂings contributed to telling a story that is very different from the IndigeÂnous perspecÂtives because it was really about this prisÂtine, uninÂhabÂited, super terriÂtoÂries, waiting to be discovÂered. They call it the “terra nullius” although it was habited for centuries already. To simply remove that IndigeÂnous history from those stories, to remove the IndigeÂnous presÂence from that history is perpetÂuÂating the coloÂnial gaze, the erasure of IndigeÂnous stories and people and the displaceÂment of IndigeÂnous people. It’s a bitterÂsweet relaÂtionÂship with those paintÂings and the Group of Seven. TechÂniÂcally they’re specÂtacÂular and it’s a great moveÂment, but at the same time, it contributes to exactly what we’re fighting against.
Sylvia Cunningham: SomeÂthing we talked about in the first episode of “Critical land” with Professor Carmen Robertson was the differÂence between land and landÂscape. What do those terms mean to you?
Caroline Monnet: LandÂscape for me is a repreÂsenÂtaÂtion of topogÂraphy and it’s someÂthing that is beauÂtiful and that you can almost imagine, it’s part of an imagÂiÂnaÂtion. You can describe a landÂscape. Whereas land is where we belong, it’s where everyÂthing origÂiÂnates. We cannot possess the Earth, it’s the Earth that possesses us, we come from that and we go back to that. I think land is the notion of terriÂtory and the center of all people because that’s where all the roots of our knowlÂedge is from—our languages, our tradiÂtion, our sense of belonging and sense of idenÂtity—so I think there’s multiple terriÂtoÂries, multiple lands. There’s a diverÂsity of it and I think we can only speak of the land we come from. I don’t think I could speak for “CanaÂdian land,” I only know the place where I come from and the region I come from in Canada and the connecÂtion that I have with that land in particÂular and where my people have connecÂtion to that land as well.
Sylvia Cunningham: I was watching a previous interÂview that you did, and I hope I’m underÂstanding what you said correctly, but you were talking about how you’re interÂested in IndigeÂnous artists looking back at and reflecting on various art moveÂments. How would you apply your perspecÂtive to the Group of Seven’s landÂscape paintÂings and the time in which they were painting in—that moveÂment?
Caroline Monnet: Wow, that’s a really good quesÂtion. I don’t know because it’s a moveÂment in itself, but how would you call that moveÂment in painting? It’s quite figuÂraÂtive so I’m not sure it’s a moveÂment that I would instincÂtively explore such as Modernism, or Dadaism or SurreÂalism, where it becomes a real moveÂment worldÂwide. This particÂular group is very particÂular to Canada and the repreÂsenÂtaÂtion of landÂscape. They’re kind of explorers on the land, right? They set up out on the land and they try to repreÂsent it to the best of their abilÂiÂties, but also adding their own settlers’ gaze, so it’s also a level of their own imagÂiÂnaÂtion that’s embedded in the work. It’s a really good quesÂtion, I’ll have to reflect on that one, how would I approÂpriate it from my own IndigeÂnous lens.
Sylvia Cunningham: You come from both AlgoÂnquin and French heritage, and I’ve seen how you’ve previÂously talked about marrying tradiÂtional pracÂtices with contemÂpoÂrary pracÂtices. That your work is often building bridges. Did you learn about your AlgoÂnquin ancestry and heritage through your own upbringing, or have you come to learn more about this history and tradiÂtions as an artist who is specifÂiÂcally confronting these themes in your art?
Caroline Monnet: I would say as an artist, I was doing work that is research-based. It allowed me to go deeper into these notions and this knowlÂedge and learning more about where I come from, but it’s someÂthing that was always present growing up, it’s just not someÂthing you’d talk about around the kitchen table. You don’t really talk about your culture at home, it’s not someÂthing you start defining with your parents, or your siblings, or aunts and uncles. It’s more as an artist when I start looking into topics that are imporÂtant to me and wanting to discuss certain things in our society and wanting to open dialogue about certain issues of our society, then I start digging more and looking into more tradiÂtional art or tradiÂtional teachÂings, and just looking more into where my people come from. I grew up in suburbia of Ottawa, so I didn’t grow up in my mother’s commuÂnity. We would go back for funerals, or weddings, but it wasn’t someÂthing that was super celeÂbrated growing up. It’s only later, when it became a little more accepted in CanaÂdian society, that I was able to dig a bit deeper.
Sylvia Cunningham: Has that since become a bridge to your mother and extended family? I mean, has it become someÂthing you maybe would talk about around the kitchen table?
Caroline Monnet: Maybe a little bit more because now it’s so embedded in my life and the work that I do. So yes of course if my mom asks me what I’m working on I’ll tell her more about it or just the people that I have in my surroundÂings. It took only four generÂaÂtions with cultural genoÂcide to erase us. Not even 50 years ago we weren’t allowed to express ourselves creatively so there’s a certain level of responÂsiÂbility that comes with the new generÂaÂtion, and my generÂaÂtion to be able to be present and keep those tradiÂtions alive. There’s kind of a gap between my grandÂfaÂther and myself, just to be able to work to bridge that gap and to bring that back into my own family and my own surrounding.
Sylvia Cunningham: I’d love to touch on one more of your films, “CreaÂtura Dada.” I was planÂning on describing it myself, but actuÂally I’d love if you would describe it instead, what this short film is.
Caroline Monnet: It was the 100th anniverÂsary of Dadaism and I was asked by the Festival du nouveau cinĂ©ma in Montreal to create a Carte Blanche, to make a very short video. I had the “white page complex,” I didn’t know what to do. So I decided to take the small budget they offered me and invite IndigeÂnous FranÂcophone women at my table to make a feast and buy chamÂpagne and treat them to a nice afterÂnoon expeÂriÂence. It’s very rare that we get the chance to get together and just exchange and dialogue and spend time together. These women are promiÂnent leaders of their commuÂniÂties, they’re artists like Nadia Myre but also Alanis ObomÂsawin who is this amazing role model for the IndigeÂnous commuÂniÂties. I filmed the entire expeÂriÂence and it was about breaking all rules because they don’t suit us in CanaÂdian society and reinÂventing the world as we see fit. It was about marching forward as women, as leaders of our commuÂniÂties.
Sylvia Cunningham: And again, listeners should defiÂnitely watch this after the interÂview, because as you describe it, it is this gorgeous party and there’s so much laughter and so much life. I think espeÂcially right now, espeÂcially when dinner parties are basiÂcally a no-go during the pandemic, there’s someÂthing espeÂcially entrancing about watching that.
[Audio from “CreaÂtura Dada”]
We should note, you can’t hear the origÂinal sound. So, it begs the quesÂtion, what were you all talking about. Can you describe what the sound is, what we’re hearing instead and what made you not include the origÂinal sound?
Caroline Monnet: It felt like we needed to keep that secret. We can’t reveal everyÂthing because we were planÂning a revoÂluÂtion, we can’t let everyone know about it, because then the plan doesn’t work! And everyÂbody’s going to know about it. It’s also interÂesting because all this food is considÂered high-end food in gastronomy, but most of it is very local, tradiÂtional food—lobsters, oysters. I made this film after there was a big issue in the media about IndigeÂnous women being abused by police offiÂcers in the Abitibi region and this film was a bit of response about counÂtering the negaÂtive, victimÂized image of IndigeÂnous people or women espeÂcially in the media. Women are still the most marginÂalÂized group of CanaÂdian society. I wanted to show women as being eccenÂtric, beauÂtiful, exuberant, elegant, and raise them back on a pedestal, to raise them back to a level of royalty. That was the intenÂtion behind the film.
Sylvia Cunningham: I came across this quote recently from a musiÂcian that the “pandemic is not a resiÂdency” or an “artists retreat,” in response to external or maybe self-applied presÂsure to produce new work and be super creative in lockÂdown. How has it been for you?
Caroline Monnet: It’s been a good time in terms of slowing down a little bit because as artists we’re always in the stage of producing and presenting and repreÂsenting. To take the time to not travel as much, to reflect more on research and prepÂping for what’s to come and reorient the work you’re doing, it’s been good. I was working on finishing my first feature film, which was good for me to take more of my time in post-producÂtion rather than rush it and move onto the next project. I took a little bit of break and never approached it as a time of creating, it didn’t really slow down for me, I had to work differÂently I would say.
Sylvia Cunningham: That feature film, “BootÂlegger,”—which you co-wrote and it won best screenÂplay at the Cannes Film Festival in 2017—can you tell us a bit about where you are with it, also what it’s about and when we can see it?
Caroline Monnet: The film is in the final stages of post-producÂtion. We shot it in December 2019 and we’re just finishing it now. HopeÂfully we’ll be able to release it a little bit later on this year, maybe this summer or next fall. But that’s really out of my hands, it’s the producÂtion company and the rest of the people that are going to orgaÂnize all of that. But it’s exciting to be able to make a first feature film. It’s a bit nerve-wracking to be doing such a project in a time of pandemic because we don’t know how these films are going to end up—if we’re going to have people in cinemas, if we’re going to have film festival premieres, is it going to end up online? And there’s a little bit of a disapÂpointÂment because you work five years on a project to have it end up online and people watch it on their screens. But it’s also a different expeÂriÂence and maybe it can reach more people this way. We adapt, and there’s good and bad for everyÂthing.
Sylvia Cunningham: The musiÂcian Tanya Tagaq, who provided music for “MobiÂlize,” will also be doing the music for “BootÂlegger,” right?
Caroline Monnet: Exactly, it’s an ongoing collabÂoÂraÂtion. I was really happy Tanya Tagaq accepted to do the music. She worked in collabÂoÂraÂtion with Jean Martin, who she collabÂoÂrates with usually. I’m very happy with the way it turned out and the sounds that they created together.
Sylvia Cunningham: How do you find that the music compleÂments the plot and themes of “BootÂlegger”?Â
Caroline Monnet: “BootÂlegger” is about self-deterÂmiÂnaÂtion and taking destiny in your own hands, breaking away from paterÂnalÂistic laws. The music is about the connecÂtion to land, terriÂtory, wanting to break free. Tanya Tagaq has the perfect sound and energy for these things. It’s this longing for self-deterÂmiÂnaÂtion, so I was really happy with the merging of my visuals with that music.
Sylvia Cunningham: You work on multiple projects at once. Do you find the ideas that you’re working through in one piece will kind of find their way into another? Or do you keep them very sepaÂrate?
Caroline Monnet: It’s very ebb and flow, I don’t plan anything in advance. I feel that each project leads to the next one, and my pracÂtice is quite instincÂtive. It’s about experÂiÂmenting with the work but also with myself and hoping to evolve as an indiÂvidual and making sure that the work evolves with each project. Working with different disciÂplines keeps me on my toes, it keeps me invested and interÂested. Also, it keeps me outside of my comfort zone, and I think that’s where I can grow as an artist and a person, where I can learn. But the themes and the issues and the way I approach each project is the same, my level of interest is the same, and there’s always social engageÂment. I studied sociÂology, so there’s always a lot of social backÂground to each project that I do, whether it’s in visual or sculpÂtural form or video form. It’s always very present, that kind of sociÂology backÂground. It’s very research-based and visual. Even in filmÂmaking, there’s not that many dialogues, no too many words. It’s about creating an expeÂriÂence, an emotional expeÂriÂence with as little words as possible. It’s a minimal approach.
Sylvia Cunningham: This year, you’ll have your first solo exhiÂbiÂtion at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts. Can you share with us what you’re working on for that?
Caroline Monnet: Yes, the show will be titled “Ninga Mìnèh.” It’s a word in AnishiÂnaabeÂmowin which means “I give it to you” or it’s the word we use for “promise.” I looked at the housing situÂaÂtion in IndigeÂnous commuÂniÂties that have remained grievÂously unchanged over the years. In remote regions with harsh winters, construcÂtion mateÂrials can be scarce and very expenÂsive. They’re not very adapted to the enviÂronÂment there in the north, so there’s a housing crisis. I wanted to speak about that and the lack of vision from the CanaÂdian governÂment. I believe that we make our houses and our houses make us, so if we use cheap mateÂrials and if there’s lingering moisÂture that creates mold, that defiÂnitely affects our mental, physÂical, and spirÂiÂtual health. I think houses should be treated as living bodies, so the entire exhiÂbiÂtion is about that, it’s using construcÂtion mateÂrial with embedÂding tradiÂtional-inspired designs. It’s about taking a look at how the federal housing system has been an agent in creating poverty in these commuÂniÂties and what we can do. Offering or hoping to open a dialogue about it.
Sylvia Cunningham: If we make our houses and our houses make us, how do you think your house makes you and how do you make it? Do you think you apply that personÂally to how you build your home?
Caroline Monnet: Yes, absolutely. I put a lot of care in my enviÂronÂment. I really believe we affect the enviÂronÂment around us and the enviÂronÂment affects us. We always imagine the people repreÂsenting the places they live in, but in the case of certain IndigeÂnous commuÂniÂties, I don’t think that’s true. I think there’s a lack of resources to create proper homes. This exhiÂbiÂtion wants to break those preconÂcepÂtions and break those negaÂtive stereoÂtypes. In my case, right now my studio is quite busy, but usually it’s pretty orgaÂnized and clean. Every time I start a new project, I’ll make sure that I do a clean-up, just to have that mental space to clear things up. I don’t like clutter, but that’s me. I mean other people are comfortÂable with that. I personÂally need some white walls to be able to imagine other things.
Sylvia Cunningham: CaroÂline Monnet, multiÂdisÂciÂpliÂnary artist whose works, “MobiÂlize” and “TransatÂlantic” are on display at the Schirn. Thank you so much for joining me.
Caroline Monnet: Oh, my pleaÂsure.
Some of the artists and filmÂmakers CaroÂline Monnet says inspire her include:Â Teresa Margolles, Lisa Reihana, Maya Deren, Theaster Gates and ApichatÂpong Weerasethakul.
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