Hadija Haruna-Oelker © Katharina Ivanisevic
Necati Öziri © Şebnur Tansu Kayaalp


TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 2025, 7.30 PM
With Hadija Haruna-Oelker, Necati Öziri, and Selma Wels

What does it mean to write within the tension between power, identity, and society? Which systems shape our thinking and actions—and how can writing serve as a tool to question or even break through them? In the discussion, journalist and author Hadija Haruna-Oelker, playwright and writer Necati Öziri, and publisher Selma Wels come together to explore these questions.

Hadija Haruna-Oelker examines the mechanisms of intersecting experiences of exclusion and power structures in her journalistic work and her book "Die Schön­heit der Diffe­renz." Her focus is on shifting perspectives and building alliances, a theme she delves deeper into in her new book "Zusam­men­sein," which explores possibilities for coexistence in a diverse society.

Necati Öziri, known for his powerful plays, addresses themes of heritage, family structures, and patriarchal power in his novel "Vater­mal," revealing how language can both confine and liberate.

Selma Wels, editor of the anthology "anders blei­ben," grapples with questions of identity, social justice, and belonging.

Together, they explore how writing can create spaces for resistance and transformation.

Selma Wels © Picture People


RIOT NOW! is a Berlin-based event series that focuses on socially relevant topics such as racism, discrimination, visibility, and contemporary culture. Initiated and curated by Gün Tank and Selma Wels, the format combines stimulating discussions and conversations with renowned writers, practitioners, and experts from various disciplines. The program is enriched by readings of current works by the invited authors, offering profound insights and fresh perspectives.

With RIOT NOW! Writing Within the System, the series is being held in Frankfurt am Main for the first time.