OCTOBER 11, 2024 – FEBRUARY 2, 2025

Carol Rama (1918–2015) is one of those outstanding female artists of modernism who, in spite of impressive and multifaceted oeuvres, achieve fame late in their career. Sexuality, passion, disease, death—Rama dedicated her art to the great human themes and fundamental experiences. Her depictions from the 1930s of female lust paved the way for today’s feminist art. Independent of artistic schools and groupings, the self-taught talent created over the course of 70 years an unconventional and highly personal body of work. Rama’s work defies simple categorization and is distinguished by an enthusiastic delight in experimentation. From her early days as an artist in the 1930s through to the early 2000s, she managed to reinvent her style every ten years or so with new groups of works, while always remaining true to herself. 

Carol Rama, Figura (sedia rossa), 1947


An adept iconoclast, she pushed the boundaries of artistic and social conventions in terms of both form and content. Rama spent her long life in Turin, in an apartment that also served as her studio on the top floor of 15 Via Napione that she had designed as a total work of art in its own right. Well-connected, she gathered around her a circle of intellectuals and artists and yet for a long time remained more or less unknown outside Italy. It was not until she had reached an advanced age that she was recognized with international survey exhibitions and prestigious awards including the Golden Lion for Lifetime Achievement at the 2003 Venice Biennale.

From October 11, 2024, to February 2, 2025, the Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt is presenting a large-scale survey of the Turin-based artist for the first time in Germany, featuring some 120 exhibits from all phases of her remarkable artistic output.

installation view: Carol Rama, Presso il pungente promontorio orientale (Near the Sharp Eastern Promontory), 1967, © Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt 2024, Photo: Norbert Miguletz

Inno­v­a­tive and extra­or­di­nary. Uncom­pro­mising and uncon­ven­tional. The great unknown of modernism – Carol Rama. To accom­pany the exhi­bi­tion, the Schirn is offering a Digi­to­rial® that offers valu­able back­ground infor­ma­tion, cultural and art histor­ical contexts of the exhi­bi­tion.

This free-of-charge digital educa­tional offering can be accessed in German and English. For Smart­phone, Tablet and Desktop.

Press information of the exhibition "Carol Rama: A Rebel of Modernity"

10.10.2024 | From October 11, 2024, to February 2, 2025, the Schirn Kunsthalle in Frankfurt is devoting a large-scale survey to Turin-based artist Carol Rama (1918–2015) for the first time in Germany, featuring some 120 exhibits from all phases of her remarkable artistic output.

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Wallpanels of the exhibition "Carol Rama: A Rebel of Modernity"

10.10.2024 | Here you can read the wallpanels of the exhibition "Carol Rama: A Rebel of Modernity".

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Carol Rama: A Rebel of Modernity, exhibition view, © Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt 2024, Photo: Norbert Miguletz

Carol Rama: A Rebel of Modernity, installation view: Carol Rama, Senza titolo, 1966, © Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt 2024, Photo: Norbert Miguletz

Carol Rama: A Rebel of Modernity, installation view: Carol Rama, Marta, 1940, © Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt 2024, Photo: Norbert Miguletz

Carol Rama: A Rebel of Modernity, exhibition view, © Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt 2024, Photo: Norbert Miguletz

Carol Rama: A Rebel of Modernity, installation view: Carol Rama, Presso il pungente promontorio orientale (Near the Sharp Eastern Promontory), 1967, © Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt 2024, Photo: Norbert Miguletz

Carol Rama: A Rebel of Modernity, installation view: Carol Rama, Senza titolo, 1969, © Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt 2024, Photo: Norbert Miguletz

Carol Rama: A Rebel of Modernity, exhibition view, © Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt 2024, Photo: Norbert Miguletz

Carol Rama: A Rebel of Modernity, installation view: Carol Rama, Senza titolo, 1978, © Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt 2024, Photo: Norbert Miguletz

Carol Rama: A Rebel of Modernity, installation view: Carol Rama, Spazio anche più che tempo, 1970, © Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt 2024, Photo: Norbert Miguletz

Carol Rama: A Rebel of Modernity, exhibition view, © Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt 2024, Photo: Norbert Miguletz

Carol Rama: A Rebel of Modernity, installation view: Carol Rama, Idilli, 1977–1993, © Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt 2024, Photo: Norbert Miguletz

Carol Rama: A Rebel of Modernity, exhibition view, © Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt 2024, Photo: Norbert Miguletz

Carol Rama, 1930–1931 brevetto n. 7H1261R (Appassionata), , 1940, Watercolor and pencil on paper, 41.5 x 30.5 cm, GAM – Galleria Civica d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea, Turin, on loan from Fondazione Guido ed Ettore De Fornaris, © Archivio Carol Rama, Torino, Photo: Studio Fotografico Gonella. Reproduced by permission of the Fondazione Torine Musei

Carol Rama, Teatrino n. 3 (Miniature Theater No. 3), 1938, Watercolor and colored pencil on paper, 14.1 x 23.2 cm, Private collection, © Archivio Carol Rama, Torino, Photo: Roberto Goffi

Carol Rama, I due Pini (Appassionata) (La signora Macor), 1939, Watercolor, tempera, and colored pencil on paper, 33.7 x 23.6 cm, Private collection, © Archivio Carol Rama, Torino, Photo: Pino dell'Aquila

Carol Rama, Marta, 1940, Watercolor, tempera, and colored pencil on paper, 23 × 17.5 cm, Private collection, Turin, © Foto: Pino dell'Aquila

Caeol Rama, Senza titolo (Autoritratto) (Self-portrait), 1937, Oil on canvas on wood, 35 × 29 cm, Ursula Hauser Collection, Switzerland, © Archivio Carol Rama, Torino, Foto: Archiv Ursula Hauser Collection

Carol Rama, Figura (sedia rossa) (Figure [Red Chair]), 1947, Oil on panel, 32.5 x 26.8 cm, Private collection,© Archivio Carol Rama, Torino, Photo: Roberto Goffi

Carol Rama, I tarocchi (Tarot Cards), 1948, Oil on canvas, 95 x 60 cm, Courtesy Galerie Isabella Bortolozzi, Berlin, © Archivio Carol Rama, Torino, photo: Nick Ash

Carol Rama, La linea di sete (The Line of Thirst), 1954, Oil on canvas, 60 × 50 cm, Turin, GAM - Galleria Civica d'Arte Moderna e Contemporanea, Museo Sperimentale. By courtesy of the Fondazione Torino Musei, © Photo: Studio Fotografico Gonella. Reproduced by permission of the Fondazione Torine Musei

Carol Rama, Senza titolo (Maternità) (Untitled [Motherhood]) , 1966, Enamel paint, glue and doll’s eyes on canvas, 90 x 70 cm, Private collection, Turin, © Archivio Carol Rama, Torino, Photo: Gabriele Gaidano

Carol Rama, Presso il pungente promontorio orientale (Near the Sharp Eastern Promontory), 1967, Ink, glue and doll's eyes on canvas, 36.5 x 24.5 cm, Private collection, © Archivio Carol Rama, Torino, Photo: Roberto Goffi

Carol Rama, Senza titolo (Untitled), 1970, Inner tubes on canvas, 110 x 120 cm, Courtesy The Estate of Carol Rama represented by Galerie Isabella Bortolozzi, Berlin, © Archivio Carol Rama, Turin, Photo: Nick Ash

Carol Rama, Autorattristatrice n. 10 (Word play with auto and rattristrare, to sadden), 1970, Inner tubes on canvas, 100 x 100 cm, Ursula Hauser Collection, Switzerland, © Archivio Carol Rama, Torino, Photo: Roman März

Carol Rama, Idilli (Idylls), 1977–1993, Mixed media, inner tubes, paper, and iron elements on black car-hood canvas, 3 parts, 130 x 70 cm each, Private collection, © Archivio Carol Rama, Torino, Photo: Henry Trumble

Carol Rama,La macelleria (The Butcher’s), 1980, Felt-tip pen and acrylic on beige car-hood canvas, 120.3 x 120.3 cm, Private collection, © Archivio Carol Rama, Torino, Photo: Pino Dell' Aquila

Carol Rama, Lo specchio di Huguette (Huguette's Mirror), 1983, Mixed media on paper with previous handwriting (architectural drawing), 49.5 × 32 cm, Private Ccollection, © Archivio Carol Rama, Torino, Photo: Pino dell'Aquila

Carol Rama, Man Ray, 1984, Ink and felt-tip pen on paper, 22 x 17 cm, Collection Mario De Giuli, © Archivio Carol Rama, Torino, Photo: Massimo Forchino

Carol Rama, Il chiodo di Corrado (Corrado’s Leather Jacket), 1993, Bicycle inner tubes on leather jacket, ca. 82 x 58 x 8 cm, Private collection, © Archivio Carol Rama, Torino, Photo: Pino Dell' Aquila

Carol Rama, Ostentazione, 2002, Mixed media and oil paint on canvas, 119 x 142 x 15 cm, Ursula Hauser Collection, Switzerland, © Archivio Carol Rama, Torino, Photo: Jon Etter

Carol Rama in her studio apartment 1994, © photo: Pino Dell'Aquila

Bepi Ghiotti, Inside Carol Rama # 26, 2012-2014, Giclée archival inkjet print, 42.8 x 52.3 x 3.3 cm, Courtesy the artist and Galerie Isabella Bortolozzi, Berlin. © Bepi Ghiotti