

Selma Selman was born in Bosnia and Herzegovina and lives and works in New York, Amsterdam, and Bihać. After completing her Bachelor of Fine Arts in the Department of Painting at the University of Banja Luka in 2014, she graduated from Syracuse University in 2018 with a Master of Fine Arts in Transmedia, Visual, and Performing Arts. From 2021 to 2023 she was a resident at the Rijksakademie in Amsterdam. Her works have been exhibited internationally at Gropius Bau, Hamburger Bahnhof, documenta fifteen, Manifesta 14 in Pristina, Kunstraum Innsbruck, MO Museum in Vilnius, Kasseler Kunstverein, Museum Fridericianum, National Gallery of Bosnia and Herzegovina, acb Galéria, Budapest, and the FutuRoma Pavilion at the 2019 Venice Biennale. Since 2017, Selman has organized the film festival “The Open Screen at Selma’s” in her hometown of Bihać, promoting the exchange of local Roma artists with interested audiences. In addition, she founded “Get the Heck to School” (since 2017), a project that aims to provide school education to girls, and in particular to young Roma.

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