

Grad­u­ated both in cura­to­rial studies and law, Salma Lahlou founded ThinkArt, in 2015, in the fields of visual arts and cura­to­rial prac­tices. In 2020, ThinkArt rede­fined its struc­tural oper­ating model into research resi­den­cies, public programs, exhi­bi­tions and a “bibliothèque de passage” (public library) with “School of Casablanca”. Her cura­to­rial prac­tice is supportive of projects that reap­pro­priate art hori­zon­tally, beyond the dual­i­ties inher­ited from a western history of high/low, popular/elitist, mind/body, spirit/matter (Unify); and engage with the body as a multi­lay­ered learning site, with the aim of “making visible the intel­li­gence of the sensi­tive” (Embody).

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