Over the course of 2016, subject to the newest climate protec­tion require­ments the SCHIRN KUNSTHALLE FRANK­FURT refur­bished the lighting in all of the publicly acces­sible areas and converted them to LED. This concerns the foyer with its char­ac­ter­istic RGB lumi­nous walls on the ground and second floors as well as the basic and exhi­bi­tion lighting of the approx­i­mately 2,000 m2 of exhi­bi­tion space. These modern­iza­tion measures were made possible with funding from the National Climate Initia­tive of the Federal Ministry for the Envi­ron­ment, Nature Conser­va­tion, Building and Nuclear Safety. By converting the 15-year-old system, the SCHIRN could thus reduce its CO2 emis­sions by 79 percent. Elec­tricity and power costs could also be mini­mized many times over—the lumi­nous walls in the foyer alone now consume one tenth of the energy required before the conver­sion. Besides the energy-related bene­fits, with its low light discharge the SCHIRN’s new LED lighting meets the current conser­va­tional stan­dards for the optimum presen­ta­tion of works of art.

National Climate Initiative

With the National Climate Initia­tive, since 2008 the Federal Ministry for the Envi­ron­ment has initi­ated and promoted numerous projects that make a contri­bu­tion to the reduc­tion of green­house gas emis­sions. Their programs and projects cover a wide range of climate protec­tion activ­i­ties: from the devel­op­ment of long-term strate­gies to concrete assis­tance and invest­ment-related funding measures. This variety guar­an­tees good ideas. The National Climate Initia­tive contributes to the local estab­lish­ment of climate protec­tion. This bene­fits consumers as well as busi­nesses, munic­i­pal­i­ties, and educa­tional facil­i­ties.