
Street-Art Brazil

September 5 – October 27, 201309/05 – 10/27/2013

In the context of Brazil being the Guest of Honor at the Frank­furt Book Fair 2013, for the first time in Germany the SCHIRN KUNSTHALLE will be show­casing the diver­sity of Brazilian graf­fiti art.


In the context of Brazil being the Guest of Honor at the Frankfurt Book Fair 2013, for the first time in Germany the SCHIRN KUNSTHALLE will be showcasing the diversity of Brazilian graffiti art. Brazil's metropolises are home to some of the most vibrant and artistically interesting graffiti communities the world over. This colorful, dynamic and unique movement differs sharply in terms of both content and aesthetically from the US and European street art scenes. Not only the specific political/social mood in a country characterized by profound upheaval, but also the immense variety of techniques and styles are trademarks of Brazilian street art and make it stand out from the globalized graffiti culture. The spectacular show that starting with the SCHIRN's own outside walls will intervene in Frankfurt's urban space reflects the movement's current diversity with all its different artistic approaches. On show will be figurative and abstract work, joyful and socially critical images, from densely-packed large-size murals through to unobtrusive and ephemeral signs. US, Japanese or African influences blend with elements of the ancient indigenous traditions and modern Brazilian culture to create quite unexpected expressive pieces. Many artists from São Paulo and other cities in Brazil have been invited to shape the face of various of Frankfurt's urban spaces and thus transform what we see every day in the city.


The major cities of Brazil are home to one of the world’s most vital and fascinating graffiti scenes. In terms of both content and aesthetic quality, this colourful, dynamic and unique movement differs significantly from the American and European street-art scenes. Brazilian street art stands apart from the globalized graffiti culture by virtue not only of the specific political and social climate in a country rocked by profound upheavals but also because of the incredible abundance of styles and techniques it encompasses. Eleven artists and artist groups from São Paulo and other Brazilian cities have been invited to exhibit their paintings in urban settings throughout Frankfurt, and thus to alter the everyday image of the city. Their works include figurative and abstract, light-hearted and socially critical paintings ranging from oversized murals to unpretentious, ephemeral signs and symbols.

With works by: Herbert Baglione, Gais, Rimon Guimarães, Jana Joana & Vitché, Nunca, Onesto, Alexandre Orion, Speto, Fefe Talavera, Tinho, Zezão


STREET-ART-BRAZIL gab es auch als App. Mit Videos, Musik, Fotos und Hintergrundtexten gab sie einen einzigartigen Einblick in die brasilianische Street-Art-Szene der "Grafiteiros" und führte die Besucher in deutscher und englischer Sprache zu den 14 verschiedenen Graffiti-Spots in Frankfurt – unter anderem zur Bodenfläche der Frankfurter Hauptwache, zum Glasportal der Deutsche-Bank-AG-Türme, zum Alten Polizeipräsidiums und zu einem kompletten U-Bahn-Zug.

Herbert Baglione, Gais, Rimon Guimarães, Jana Joana &Vitché, Nunca, Onesto, Alexandre Orion, Speto, Fefe Talavera, Tinho, Zezão



Via hashtag #STREETARTBRAZIL your Instagram postings were shown on a real-time pinboard at the SCHIRN.

The picture collage still exists. Have a look! 

To pinboard