
How we act together

November 29 2016 – January 22, 201711/29 – 01/22/2017

The interactive online performance HOW WE ACT TOGETHER focuses on gestures as the most elementary forms of social interaction.

How We Act Together is a communal performance in the form of a video stream, which American artists and programmers Lauren McCarthy and Kyle McDonald developed for the SCHIRN. The focus is on gestures as the most elementary forms of social interaction.

How it works

Participants are asked to repeat one of four gestures - nodding, screaming, greeting or eye contacting – until exhausted in front of their webcam. As soon as an algorithm programmed by McCarthy and McDonald recognizes the gesture, a video recording begins. The performance aims to be a competition and endurance is rewarded. Indeed, if a user performs the respective gesture longer than the person with the greatest stamina before them, their recording is included in the video stream and becomes part of the accumulated performance. The result is a collective sequence of videos choreographed by software featuring identical gestures by different people. This creates an asynchronous interaction within a group divided both spatially and temporally

“With How We Act Together we aim to show people how even the slightest gestures influence social interactions."

Lauren McCarthy and Kyle McDonald


On Thursday, 1 December, the SCHIRN was hosting a Facebook livestream with the two artists Lauren Mccarthy and Kyle McDonald, in which they presented their projekt How We Act Together to the Community.