I don’t believe in technique. For me, painting is a form of thinking, and I keep control over the things required for this form of thinking
Richters latest works are breaking with familiar structures – For the first time the SCHIRN shows these works in public.

Daniel Richter is one of the influential artists of his generation; since the late 1990s his works have been celebrated in numerous exhibitions. Now the SCHRIN is exhibiting a new series by the German painter in an impressive solo presentation. More than 20 paintings, which will be presented to the public for the first time, mark a caesura in the artist’s oeuvre. In his new works Richter breaks with all that seemed familiar in his painting hitherto and explores the question: “How can a picture be reduced formally while being charged at the same time as regards content?” In his search for answers and solutions Richter has developed a new pictorial language which defies the customary motifs and painting methods as well as the familiar colours and themes. His works are stylistic complex and versatile. So Richter says: “In the process of painting and thinking it is always this ‘change’ which is interesting. The result, the finished picture, is always only a milestone on a longer journey.” Richter’s painting against his own routine has resulted in fascinating works which not only reveal a transformation, but also a remarkable new development stage in the artist’s oeuvre.

The new series by the German painter Daniel Richter mark a caesura in the artist’s oeuvre.
All the paintings in the new series impress with their materiality. Richter dispenses almost entirely with painting with a paintbrush. This leads to a fundamentally transformed appearance. Richter also avoids a clear symbolism and leaves no room for anecdotal interpretations. And yet his pictures reflect his powerful attitude to art and the world. It is a remarkable new development stage in the artist’s oeuvre. An interview with Daniel Richter is giving detailed information; an essay introduces in the new series.