A Rebel of Modernity
The SCHIRN is presenting a large-scale survey of the Turin-based artist for the first time in Germany, featuring some 120 exhibits from all phases of her remarkable body of work.
An extraordinary oeuvre beyond the mainstream
Around 120 works from 70 years of artistic creation
First major retrospective in Germany and Switzerland
A look at all important creative phases
- Carol Rama, Senza titolo (Ohne Titel), 1970, Reifenschläuche auf Leinwand, 110 x 120 cmCourtesy The Estate of Carol Rama represented by Galerie Isabella Bortolozzi, Berlin, © Archivio Carol Rama, Torino, Foto: Nick Ash
- Carol Rama, Figura (sedia rossa)(Figur [roter Stuhl]), 1947, Öl auf Holz, 32,5 × 26,8 cmPrivatsammlung, © Archivio Carol Rama, Torino, Foto: Roberto Goffi
- Carol Rama. Rebellin der Moderne, Ausstellungsansicht© SCHIRN 2024, Foto: Norbert Miguletz
- Carol Rama. Rebellin der Moderne, Ausstellungsansicht© SCHIRN 2024, Foto: Norbert Miguletz
- Carol Rama. Rebellin der Moderne, Ausstellungsansicht© SCHIRN 2024, Foto: Norbert Miguletz
- Carol Rama, Il chiodo di Corrado (Corrados Lederjacke), 1993, Fahrradschläuche auf Lederjacke, Privatsammlung© Archivio Carol Rama, Torino, Foto: Pino Dell’ Aquila
Supported by
Dr. Marschner Stiftung
With additional support by
Georg und Franziska Speyer´sche Hochschulstiftung