To see the world through a child’s eyes – artists like Matisse and Dubuffet have repeatedly insisted on such an immediacy of expression. Yet, a number of artists in the 20th century, such as Pablo Picasso, Paul Klee, Alexander Calder, or Andy Warhol, actually adopted this point of view to create art for children. Members of the Wiener Werkstätte and the Bauhaus developed new toys, and Picasso’s dolls for his daughter Paloma are miniature sculptural masterpieces. Architect Bruno Taut designed a glass construction set, Charles and Ray Eames produced coloring books and children’s films, and Andy Warhol realized an exhibition tailored to children exclusively.
“Art – A Child’s Play” is a show for the whole family which, presenting 250 works by 40 artists of the 20th century, offers a first survey of the fascinating world of art for children. Inviting various contemporary artists to contribute works for children, the Schirn also gives an impetus for “more art for children.”Â
Edited by Max Hollein and Gunda Luyken, Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt. With a preface by Max Hollein and texts by Gunter Gebauer, Gunda Luyken, Niklas Maak, Tilman Rammstedt, and Katharina Rutschky. German, ca. 300 pages, ISBN 3-937577-48-3, Revolver Verlag, Archiv fĂĽr aktuelle Kunst, Frankfurt am Main.
The book for children paralleling the exhibition "Art - A Child's Play" - A tale by Rudi Gerharz. Edited by Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt, 50 pages.
9 €Â