Sasha Waltz, In C – Marler Partitur, Forum Marl, September 2022
© Foto: Sebastian Bolesch

Move & Parade with Sasha Waltz & Guests

The SCHIRN is marking its temporary move from the Römer square to Frankfurt’s Bockenheim district with a festive parade and a large-scale performance to live music by over 100 dancers. “In C – Community” is a participatory project by the celebrated international dance company Sasha Waltz & Guests.

September 7, 2025

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Public event

The structured improvisation “In C” was initiated in 2021 and has been realized in a variety of contexts ever since. It is based on the pioneering work of the same name based on music by Terry Riley from the minimalist school of composition. In parallel to this score, the choreography is developed from fifty-three figures that can be moved and varied. “In C” is open to adaptations in all dance styles, and to influences from different cultural circles; it appeals to professionals and amateurs as well as to both young and old. Active participants and spectators alike form part of a unique performance, which not only represents but also practices the democratic principles of participation and equality.