Art and hip-hop: Real – Loud – Progressive

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How did hip-hop emerge and what are its main elements? What can a pose express? What influences our identity? And does a tracksuit belong to hip-hop? Inspired by the exhibition “THE CULTURE: Hip-hop and Contemporary Art in the 21st Century”, five youth groups explored these questions, as well as topics such as self-expression and self-staging, identity, power structures, discrimination, and empowerment, as part of SCHIRN DOMINO.

Foto: Dirk Ostermeier
Foto: Dirk Ostermeier
Foto: Dirk Ostermeier

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SCHIRN DOMINO is a project for young people aged 13 and above, in collaboration with youth centers and intensive classes in and around Frankfurt, aimed at engaging young people who have had little or no access to cultural institutions, encouraging their long-term interest in art, and fostering their creative abilities.

Foto: Dirk Ostermeier
Foto: Dirk Ostermeier

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During the several-week project period, the young people visited the exhibition and, under the guidance of art educators from the SCHIRN, created their own practical and creative works during multiple workshop sessions at youth centers or schools. At the end, the participants presented their works to friends, family, and invited guests in a small pop-up exhibition at the SCHIRN.

Foto: Dirk Ostermeier
Foto: Dirk Ostermeier

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The project contributes to the personal development of participants by supporting individual and social skills such as self-esteem, personal responsibility, and the ability to work in a community. SCHIRN DOMINO also provides Intensive Classes with new thematic access to the German language.

SCHIRN DOMINO is made possible by the support of the Deutsche Bank Foundation.