The SCHIRN is committed to a sustainable future and active climate protection in the cultural sector.
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The SCHIRN is committed to climate protection and the reduction of energy consumption and resource use. The goal of the SCHIRN is to lead by example and proactively establish long-term solutions for resource-efficient operations and sustainable exhibition practices. In 2022, the first comprehensive carbon footprint was created, serving as a basis for the ongoing strategic reduction of emissions. This encompasses the building itself, as well as our exhibition and education programs, administration and office organization, communication, and our audience.
The SCHIRN has already significantly reduced its energy consumption through building renovations in recent years. In 2016, all public areas were fitted with LED lighting in line with the latest climate protection standards. Additionally, in 2018, the SCHIRNâs climate control system was upgraded as part of the renovation of the exhibition areas, leading to further substantial energy savings.
Between 2025 and 2027, a groundbreaking comprehensive energy-efficient renovation will take place. This flagship project includes the energy optimization of the entire building envelope in compliance with heritage protection regulations. The sandstone facade will be renewed, windows will be replaced, and the glass roof over the exhibition area will be replaced with solar panels that also have insulating properties. The energy generated will be fed back into the buildingâs supply system. Furthermore, with a greening concept for certain roofs and parts of the facade, the SCHIRN will contribute to a significant improvement of the urban climate.