About the SCHIRN

Lorem Ipsum

The SCHIRN KUNSTHALLE FRANKFURT is one of the most renowned venues for modern and contemporary art in Europe. Its program includes large-scale exhibitions, interdisciplinary events, and discursive formats. The SCHIRN promotes new perspectives on art and cultural history as well as on current societal debates. Its aim is to provide a unique, sensory experience and actively engage visitors in the contemplation of art.

Our topics

The SCHIRN in Bockenheim

During the renovation of its location at the Römer, the SCHIRN will temporarily move to Bockenheim, offering a diverse program in a unique atmosphere.

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Around the SCHIRN


Thanks to the generous support of numerous partners and sponsors, the SCHIRN has been fulfilling its cultural mission and realizing visionary exhibitions for nearly 40 years.


Dr. Sebastian Baden, Director

Esther Schlicht, Deputy Director

Fanny Bengsch Curatorial Consultant to the Management (parental leave replacement)

Luise Leyer, Curatorial Consultant to the Management (parental leave)

Samira Koch, Executive Office

Katharina Schuchmann, Executive Office

Viola Marie Gerber, Assistant

For general inquiries, please contact welcome@schirn.de.

Esther Schlicht, Head of Exhibitions

Katharina Dohm

Dr. Ingrid Pfeiffer

Matthias Ulrich

Dr. Martina Weinhart

Theresa Dettinger, Curatorial Assistant

Cornelia Eisendle, Curatorial Assistant

Johanna Pulz, Head

Julia Bastian

Thea Stroh, Trainee

Florina Klubach, Student Assistant

Lucia Antilén Pavez Sandoval, Student Assistant

You can find more information on our press page.
For press inquiries, feel free to contact us directly:
Phone +49 69 29 98 82 148

Luise Bachmann, Head

Isabel Reiche

Doroteya Shmileva

Heike Stumpf, Graphic Design

Radia Soukni, Student Assistant

Vanessa Bernhard, Assistant

For general inquiries, marketing requests, or complaints, please contact us at marketing@schirn.de. We are happy to assist you.

Hannah Doll, Head of Corporate Partnerships
Phone: +49 69 29 98 82 185

Corinna Fröhling, Head of Foundations
Phone: +49 69 29 98 82 123

Svenja Fischer, Student Assistant

Learn more about how you can get involved here.

Laura Heeg, Head

Simone Boscheinen

Lisa Reinhard

René Phil­ipp Sander (parental leave replacement)

Olga Schätz (parental leave)

Sarah Schweizer

Samanea Karrfalt, Trainee

Tours Coordination Team: Jael Behr, Loredana Pellizzon, Saskia Rühl, Saskia Sinner, Athena Solomon Berhane, Kim Wüsteney-Arbabi

MINISCHIRN Team: Amina Ahmed, Charlotte Dahlkamp, Leonie Eisenberg, Lisanne Fleischer, Quirin Fürbeck, Ferdinand Gerhards, Aylin Günes, Elif Öner, Sophia Robbers, Adelaida Velasquez Tamayo

Learn more about our education, mediation, and art education programs. For inquiries, feel free to contact us directly at fuehrungen@schirn.de. Additional information about our outreach projects can be found here.

Natalie Storelli

Julia Schaake

Learn more about the SCHIRN MAG

Caroline Käding, Head

Elke Walter

Andreas Gundermann, Head of Hanging Team

Selma Wels, Head

Constanze Götz, Trainee

Visitors Service Team: Arne Berndt, Katarina Bete, Alessandro Cola, Antonina Geiß, Maria Grot, Lara Hendrich, Mona Khochfar, Monika Knappmann, Khadidja Kordowou, Charlotte Neumann, Paula Niemann, Stella Rommel, Noel-Linda Seo, Shun-Yi Shiau, Mina Sungur, Dijan Tatli, Luna Wiedemann

Christian Teltz, Head

Oliver Taschke

Stefan Schell

Rosaria La Tona, Head of Building Cleaning

Katharina Kucher, Head

Boris Deckelmann

Tanja Mayer

Kristian Strauß

Bruno Filipović, Student Assistant

Box Office Team: Chrissy Kalla (Head), Tommy Ngo Phan, Ute Achenbach, André Danneker, Sanda Dzajic, Josef Härig, Alesia Ilyina, Vincent Rettkowski, Vasil Ruychev, Johann Scharpenack